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Find us using what3words
Using the what3words app
Using the online map
Navigate to a what3words address following the relevant steps below.
Enter the what3words address into the search bar.
Select the correct option from the drop down options.
Tap the Navigate button at the bottom of the screen.
Select your preferred navigation app, I.E. (Google Maps) to get directions to the destination.
You can also select what3words Compass and simply follow the arrow. This even works offline!
Navigate to a what3words address following the relevant steps below.
Enter the what3words address into the search bar.
Select the correct option from the drop down options.
Click the Navigate button at the bottom of the screen.
Select your preferred navigation site I.E. (Google Maps) to get directions to the destination.
Penrhyn House
Llandegai Road
LL57 1PZ
01248 352771
©2019 North Wales Recovery Communities.
Penrhyn House
Llandegai Road
LL57 1PZ
United Kingdom